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The estate has unfortunately been targeted with a number of garage break-ins. Advice has been taken from our local crime prevention officer after visiting the estate. A copy of police suggestions are detailed below.


It is recommended that all garage owners install a 4-point locking system on their garage door and install a ‘T’ bar, at the base of the outside of the door, as a minimum. The four-point locking system is much harder to prise open, and the ‘T’ bar acts as a physical and visual deterrent too. As an extra precaution garage owners could also add shoot bolts with padlocks on them, either side at the base of the garage door, on the outside. Together, this will probably make any prospective criminal reluctant to try to break in to such a well secured garage.

The residents of each set of garages should, preferably, update their security at the same time, because the least secured garage in a block is most likely to be the target. Saying that, if you are not in a position to update your security, then the best option would be to keep your garage free from valuables and leave the garage door open, so criminals will not cause damage trying to get in.

Individual garage owners may decide to attach a sensor light to their garage door – this can spook would be criminals.  Alarm systems on the garage door (in addition to the security measures, above) will also act as a major deterrent to would be criminals.  Inside the garage, expensive items, such as bikes should be chained and bolted to the floor.  A sensor CCTV camera inside your own garage, such as a battery operated ‘Ring Doorbell’ may also be useful if the criminal has not covered their face.

The residents of each set of garages could set up Wildlife Camera or a ‘Trail Camera’.  These cameras are activated by motion and heat and will record images in the dark.  They would have to agree what the best position would be for placing them.  It is suggested  be the entrance and/or exit to the block of garages.  They are covert so would normally be placed on a tree among foliage, or on a fence which has some foliage covering it.  I did note, however that the estate has some garages where a ‘Trail Camera’ could not be covertly fitted, due to lack of foliage etc. A CCTV sign should be displayed  somewhere in the vicinity.  Regarding CCTV/’Trail Cameras’ please bear in mind that experienced criminals will usually ‘mask up’ and wear generic clothing which can make individuals difficult to identify.  CCTV, however, can be good to capture number plates of vehicles entering or exiting an area, such as the estate –  ‘ Ring Doorbells’ on front doors can also help spot strangers roaming around.

If a break in is in progress please ring 999 immediately, if it is a non-emergency, (e.g., if a break in has occurred the day before) please ring 101 or report the incident via the Sussex Police Website.  This is important, because, at the very least, we can see the areas being targeted, and this may help us direct more foot and vehicle patrols to the area.  It would be helpful, after you have reported the incident, to send me a quick e mail to let me know the reference number of your report – this will help me easily collate the crime you are experiencing in your area. Please do not try to report incidents directly to me, as they need to be recorded on the official system and I do not work every day.

On most Friday and Saturday evenings between 18:00 and 22:00 we run what we call ‘Operation Blitz’, which deals with anti-social behaviour. We cover the villages around Lewes, Lewes town and the towns on the coast. On the evenings Op Blitz runs you can contact patrolling PCSO’s directly to let us know if you have any problems with anti-social behaviour – I have noted that we have had some calls from the estate of youths and adults ‘loitering’ around the garages, and if you see the same again Op Blitz could help. Ring 07464 511216.